visual forwards.

Received these as forwards over months now.

1. Advisor and student in PhD tenure (Thanks Megha).

At the time of joining: “Don’t worry. You will be fine.”.At the time of joining.

After two years: “You should work hard, boy.”.After two years.

After three years: “You must work very hard, you know.”.After three years.

After four years: “Can you hear me, you must work hard!”.After four years.

2. Life summarized in four bottles (Thanks Chandran).

bhOndOO’s remark, “Man! I am already on the third!”.Life summarized in four bottles.

3. Animator versus animation (Thanks Chandran).

Animator versus animation.

Click on the image.

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10 Responses to “visual forwards.”

  1. Mukta Says:

    This one is simply awesome! The animator versus animation is absolutely fabulous 😀 😀

  2. apkmnp Says:

    At last gone thru all your posts…really find this blog different from usual ones …bhondoo’s stories are reallly gr8..thanks a lot for writing all these

  3. Meghana Says:

    Animator vs Animation takes the cake. Simply superb!

  4. Meghana Says:

    All 3are superb:-) i have a question to ask:-) what is the meaning of research fellowship?

  5. iisc Says:

    Meghana, a research fellow is a researcher (student or otherwise) who has received an award or a grant in the form of a fellowship. The fellowship is typically like a stipend and may also include some other benefits like grants for travel or books.

    In simple terms, you can consider it to be a research scholarship.

  6. Meghana Says:

    which one is good? mtech or research fellowship in your view?

  7. iisc Says:

    Both are good. It depends upon what you want to do.

  8. Tweets that mention visual forwards. « iisc life. -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jasdeep Singh. Jasdeep Singh said: visual forwards. /cc @feedly […]

  9. preeti Says:

    the first one is totally understandable 😛

  10. V Says:

    where did u get the animations.. first and second being very hilarious!!..’coz third is inaccessible!

    btw, long gap since i read ur blog.. good that u filled many things in wordpress space for me to read… thanks!!

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